Outrageous! A professor at a major university “came clean” and admitted that she has been falsely claiming for years that she has “Black” blood. The brickbats came out, although it wasn’t entirely clear why. Because she had taken an affirmative action slot from someone who otherwise would have had it? Because she wasn’t one of the club and claimed to be?
But surely it could not be because she had misstated her biology. Transsexuals do that all the time, and the same folks who castigated the professor are vociferous in defending the “right” of transsexuals to claim a gender contrary to their biology.
Just what is the difference between being transsexual and being transracial? If someone feels more “black” than her own racial ancestry, why shouldn’t she be able to identify as a transracial black? And why shouldn’t everyone have to respect that choice? Won’t failing to affirm her transracial choice cause her emotional trauma? Shouldn’t we prohibit mental health professionals from trying to “convert” her to accept her actual, biological race?
I can see one problem. If a lot of “whites” self-defined as “minority” races, it might skew all those “diversity” goals of educational institutions and businesses in our country. Pretty soon, by this supplementation the minority might become a majority, and then where would we be? We might get all mixed up and just have to do what the Constitution and our laws say we should do and ignore a person’s race. We might just have to do what Dr. King said about judging people by their character instead of by the color of their skin. Outrageous!